Director's Message
For more than 40 years, our tradition of community service continues strong here at our Family Medicine Residency Program. We are one of only two residency programs in this thriving, close-knit community hospital that embraces the core values of Family Medicine.
Our program emphasizes both personal and professional development while valuing diversity and multi-culturalism. Our dedicated teaching faculty and support staff are committed in providing the best graduate medical experience to the residents. The warm and friendly environment here attracts and nurtures equally friendly people. It is no surprise that those who have joined us experience a mixed sense of sadness yet elation when they graduate from the program.
Our program combines two academic worlds: Saint Joseph’s Medical Center and New York Medical College, our university affiliate, which provides specialty teaching to our residents and tertiary care to our patients. This union has real benefits for our residents.
We are experiencing tremendous changes in the health care system. As the program director of our residency, I am committed to promote continued progress and collaboration within our department. A special interest of mine lies in the “medical-legal aspects” of medicine and the “art of medical writing”. As you train to become a competent family physician, you will also become aware of the many challenges that a provider faces on a daily basis. This experience is invaluable in preparing you for your future career.
I invite you to visit us and experience what we have to offer to future family physicians. It is truly a beautiful field with many rewards. Best of luck in your search for the right residency. Remember- it is three years of training, make it your best!
Sonia A. Velez, M.D., J.D.
Program Director

Sonia Velez, M.D., J.D.
Program Director